All individual awards reflect the highest performance of a CSKLS member or supporter of the Health, Kinesiology, and Leisure Studies profession. These are the highest honors that our association can award. Please see the information below to nominate someone for the Literary Award.



The Literary Award honors members of the Christian Society for Kinesiology and Leisure Studies (CSKLS) or non-members who have demonstrated the integration of faith writing into one of the disciplines represented in the Society. Incorporating Christian faith into a profession is recognized as a service to God and a blessing to our society. The honoree has produced writings that contribute to the advancement of kinesiology, leisure, sport, and wellness and also has met high professional standards. Christian beliefs and principles held by CSKLS have been confirmed through the author’s work.


Nominator’s Name:



Nominator’s School/Agency:

Complete Address:

Email Address:


Member of CSKLS? Check One: Yes No


Nominee *

Name of Nominee:

Nominee’s School/Agency:

Complete Address:

Email Address:


Please indicate why this person is a worthy nominee for the CSKLS Literary Award. Your recommendation must address the following criteria for this award.


  1. Which discipline(s) within CSKLS (kinesiology, leisure, sport, wellness) has been the primary focus of the nominee’s writing and how has this scholarship met a high professional standard (e.g. favorable peer reviews, professional status of journals where articles are published, number of books sold, etc.)?
  2. How has the nominee’s writing contributed to the advancement of his/her discipline, the goals of the CSKLS, and/or service to society?
  3. How has the nominee effectively integrated Christian beliefs and principles into his/her writing or scholarly activities?
  4. If possible, attach a complete curriculum vitae (or bibliography, or webpage) that provides support for your recommendation.


* Note: Nominee does not have to be a member of CSKLS to be eligible for this award.


Please return to Paul Heintzman at